
You have a project. It's creative, it's fabulous, and you aren't sure how to turn the vision into concrete actions and juggle all the moving pieces. Scheduling, flow of clients, deadlines, systems - none of this is your native language. No problem, I speak spreadsheet.

Whether you need simplifying, automating, or clarity on what kind of skills you need as support, your next big thing is only sustainable if you are able to clearly see the actions required as doable and purposeful. Together we will envision what you want your life to look like in this new creative endeavor, and I will help you design the systems and structure that will free you up to do the stuff you love. 

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of the practices that will help your unique business thrive

  • Develop internal scheduling practices

  • Build out income and expenses tracking systems that work with your learning style

  • Establish invoicing protocols

  • Track and coordinate volunteers & guests

  • Discover a client calendar system that works for your needs

  • Work out content release calendars



Recording and editing is only half the battle when it comes to releasing a podcast. Graphics, distribution, social media and email campaigns, and an engaging site all communicate your message to potential listeners.

By developing all aspects as a strong and consistent language side-by-side, Curious Love became recognizable no matter where future fans encountered it.

Also check out:

Book Launch

Single Release

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Curious Love Launch.jpg